Un mio caro amico un giorno mi ha chiamato,
mi scioccò dicendo che stava combattendo contro un tumore al cervello.
mi scioccò dicendo che stava combattendo contro un tumore al cervello.
Però il mi amico è un guerriero e così, dopo l'operazione, decise di partecipare ad una maratona.
Mi ha chiesto di disegnare la maglietta che avrebbe indossato quel giorno.
Quando gli presentai la mia idea ero un po' titubante: temevo che la trovasse troppo irriverente. Invece ne fu entusiasta.
Mi ha chiesto di disegnare la maglietta che avrebbe indossato quel giorno.
Quando gli presentai la mia idea ero un po' titubante: temevo che la trovasse troppo irriverente. Invece ne fu entusiasta.
Il mio amico corse la maratona e la ultimò senza problemi.
La sua battaglia contro il Cancro prosegue.
Forza non ti fermare eroe!
La sua battaglia contro il Cancro prosegue.
Forza non ti fermare eroe!
A dear friend of mine called me one day,
he shocked me by saying he was fighting a brain tumor.
But my friend is a warrior and so, after the operation, he decided to participate in a marathon.
he shocked me by saying he was fighting a brain tumor.
But my friend is a warrior and so, after the operation, he decided to participate in a marathon.
He asked me to design the shirt he would wear that day.
When I presented my idea to him, I was a little hesitant: I was afraid he would find it too irreverent. Instead he was thrilled.
When I presented my idea to him, I was a little hesitant: I was afraid he would find it too irreverent. Instead he was thrilled.
My friend ran the marathon and completed it without problems.
His battle against Cancer continues.
Come on don't stop hero!
His battle against Cancer continues.
Come on don't stop hero!

The starting idea was the war against cancer: a tough battle.
So I was inspired by the poster of "Full metal jacket" the film about Vietnam by Stanley Kubrick.
So I was inspired by the poster of "Full metal jacket" the film about Vietnam by Stanley Kubrick.

If you like this project and you think it could help someone close to you who is fighting cancer let me know, write me at: a.ardoq@gmail.com