Came on, You'r Sam Spade, OK?
Came on, You'r Sam Spade, OK?
You just have to poke around the slums, it's job
You just have to poke around the slums, it's job
the woman who has you in her hand, before the end she must die
the woman who has you in her hand, before the end she must die
possibly your fault
possibly your fault
Hi Emily, it was nice, but you were a heartless robot
Hi Emily, it was nice, but you were a heartless robot
Quando lessi il romanzo "il pendolo di Focault" di Umberto Eco rimasi folgorato da 5 piccole frasi, che nella loro semplicità riassumevono un intero genere letterario.
Decisi di realizzare una storia breve partendo dalle parole di Eco
mi dispiace se la traduzione in Inglese non rende la sintesi di Eco in Italiano
When I read the novel " Foucault's Pendulum " by Umberto Eco I was struck by 5 small phrases, which in their simplicity summarized an entire literary genre.
I decided to make a short story starting from Eco's words
I'm sorry if the English translation does not render the Eco summary in Italian
Andiamo, tu sei Sam Spade, d'accordo?
Devi solo frugare i bassifondi, è mestiere.
La donna che ti ha preso, prima della fine deve morire...
E possibilmente per tua mano.
Ciao Emily, è stato bello, ma eri un automa senza cuore.
Umberto Eco, Il pendolo di Focault

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