Witches who seduce, Witches who love
Witches who confuse
Witches who confuse

Strega Fluttuante n°5 - Floating Witch
(Ink and acrilic on canvas, measurements 165x105 cm - 64,96 x 41,34 in.)
in Vendita - For Sale
(Ink and acrilic on canvas, measurements 165x105 cm - 64,96 x 41,34 in.)
in Vendita - For Sale

Trittico "Fine di un amore" - Triptych "End of a love"
(Ink and acrilic on canvas, total measurements 140x210 cm - 55,1x82,7 in.)in Vendita - For Sale
(Ink and acrilic on canvas, total measurements 140x210 cm - 55,1x82,7 in.)in Vendita - For Sale

"Strega degli Abissi dei Ricordi" - " Witch of the Abyss of Memories "
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 140x80 cm - 55,1x31,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 140x80 cm - 55,1x31,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
A volte le storie finiscono, e può essere difficile accettarlo. La chiusura in se stessi può farci affondare nel torbidi abissi dell'anima in balia dei ricordi.
Sometimes the stories end, and it can be hard to accept. The closure in oneself can make us sink into the tormented abyss of the soul at the mercy of memories.

"Strega dell'Amore Finito" - "Finished Love Witch"
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale

"Strega delle Nuove Possibilità" - "Witch of the New Possibilities"
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale

"Strega dell'Amore malato" - "Sick Love Witch"
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 140x80 cm - 55,1x31,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 140x80 cm - 55,1x31,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
Perchè alcuni amori sono sinuosi come un manto di seta e letali come il veleno di un serpente dorato.
Perchè alcuni amori ti entreno sotto pelle.
Perché alcune vite hanno un solo battito.
Perchè alcuni amori ti entreno sotto pelle.
Perché alcune vite hanno un solo battito.
Because some loves are sinuous like a silk mantle and lethal like the poison of a golden snake.
Because some loves get under your skin.
Because some lives have only one heart beat
Because some loves get under your skin.
Because some lives have only one heart beat
"Strega Fluttuante n°1" - "Floating Witch # 1"
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 70x70 cm - 27,5x27,5 inches)
In Vendita, tutte e 4 le tele, anche separatamente
For Sale, only three available
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 70x70 cm - 27,5x27,5 inches)
In Vendita, tutte e 4 le tele, anche separatamente
For Sale, only three available

Che differenza c'è tra il volare e il cadere?
A volte i sentimenti ci conducono come foglie nel vento.
I nostri pensieri si aggrovigliano come capelli nel vento.
Questo il senso di queste 4 opere.
A volte i sentimenti ci conducono come foglie nel vento.
I nostri pensieri si aggrovigliano come capelli nel vento.
Questo il senso di queste 4 opere.
Streghe che vivono nel turbine della vita.
Streghe fluttuanti nell'aria sottile dei sogni.
Streghe fluttuanti nell'aria sottile dei sogni.
What is the difference between flying and falling?
Sometimes feelings lead us like leaves in the wind.
Our thoughts tangle like hair in the wind.
This is the meaning of these 4 works.
Sometimes feelings lead us like leaves in the wind.
Our thoughts tangle like hair in the wind.
This is the meaning of these 4 works.
Witches who live in the whirlwind of life.
Witches floating in the thin air of dreams.
Witches floating in the thin air of dreams.

"Strega della Speranza" - "Hope Witch"
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)

"Strega della Natura" - "Mother Earth Witch"
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x80 cm - 51,2x31,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
(Ink and acrilic on canvas 130x80 cm - 51,2x31,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale

"Strega del Fuoco" - "Fire Witch"
Acrylic on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
Acrylic on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Vendita - For Sale
Cos'è che brucia di più, l'ira o l'amore di una strega?
Sii cauto con i sentimenti: se li riponi negli occhi sbagliati rischi di scottarti...
Sii cauto con i sentimenti: se li riponi negli occhi sbagliati rischi di scottarti...
What is it that burns the most, the anger or the love of a witch? Be careful with feelings: if you put them in the wrong eyes you risk getting burned ...

"Venenum - II" - Lampshade (45x30 cm - 17,7x11,8 inch)
this is an experiment: I wanted to create a work of art on an everyday object.
I used the subject of a previous work
hand painted, acrylic paint and gold leaf.
this is an experiment: I wanted to create a work of art on an everyday object.
I used the subject of a previous work
hand painted, acrylic paint and gold leaf.
Vendita - For Sale, if you are interested write me at: a.ardoq@gmail.com

ink and gold leaf on cardboard - (74x36 cm - 29,1x14,17 inch)
I love this painting, I can not part with it
ink and gold leaf on cardboard - (74x36 cm - 29,1x14,17 inch)
I love this painting, I can not part with it

"Strega delle Passioni" - "Passions Witch"
Acrylic on Canvas - (120x80 cm - 47,2x31,5 inch )
This belongs to my wife, the design looks a lot like her. I painted it before I met her, it was like a vision?
My wife is a lovely Witch.
Acrylic on Canvas - (120x80 cm - 47,2x31,5 inch )
This belongs to my wife, the design looks a lot like her. I painted it before I met her, it was like a vision?
My wife is a lovely Witch.

Acrylic and gold leaf on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inch)
At our wedding there were two witnesses, and they were two women. Or maybe two Witches ...
This belongs to my witness
Acrylic and gold leaf on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inch)
At our wedding there were two witnesses, and they were two women. Or maybe two Witches ...
This belongs to my witness

"Strega del Desiderio" - "Witch of Desire"
Acrylic on Canvas - (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inch)
... This belongs to my wife's witness
Acrylic on Canvas - (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inch)
... This belongs to my wife's witness

"Strega di Terra" - "Earth Witch"
Acrylic on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Separating myself from this painting was very painful indeed. Sometimes I think it was a big mistake. Fortunately, she has found a caring tutor.
Acrylic on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Separating myself from this painting was very painful indeed. Sometimes I think it was a big mistake. Fortunately, she has found a caring tutor.

"Strega d'Acqua" - "Water Witch"
Acrylic on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Do not trust the sea, following the whims of a Witch, you'll never know until she is your friend...
This, too, has found a new home
Acrylic on Canvas- (130x70 cm - 51,2x27,5 inches)
Do not trust the sea, following the whims of a Witch, you'll never know until she is your friend...
This, too, has found a new home
Large canvases painted by Ardoq (Ardo Quaranta) on the theme of the Witches, intended as a homage to the free and independent spirit of women. Works made with ink, acrylic and gold leaf.
Grandi tele dipinte da Ardoq (Ardo Quaranta) sul tema delle Streghe, inteso come omoggio allo spirito libero e indipendente delle donne. Opere realizzate con incchiostro, acrilico e foglia d'oro.
Perché le Streghe?
Le streghe rappresentano la delicatezza e la forza: la libertà delle donne di essere sé stesse, in una società di modelli precostituiti.
Siamo tutti esseri umani in balia dei sentimenti e delle passioni, e per questo esseri bellissimi e fragili.
Le streghe sono l’espediente narrativo con cui racconto frammenti della nostra vita.
Le streghe sono l’espediente narrativo con cui racconto frammenti della nostra vita.
Nelle mie opere il tratto si libera del superfluo, i contrasti netti, le trame intricate ma al contempo chiare, come metafora di un viaggio ascetico che cerca nella sintesi del pensiero una via per la libertà.
Altro tema ricorrente nelle opere sono i capelli, declinati come propaggine dei pensieri, con le loro intricate involuzioni e leggiadri guizzi, riempiono lo spazio di una massa fluida, nera, compatta e insondabile.
Why the Witches?
Witches represent delicacy and strength: the freedom of women to be themselves, in a society of pre-established models.
We are all human beings at the mercy of feelings and passions, and therefore beautiful and fragile beings.
Witches are the narrative device with which I tell fragments of our life.
Witches are the narrative device with which I tell fragments of our life.
In my works the stroke is clear, the contrasts sharp, the intricate but at the same time clear plots, as a metaphor for an ascetic journey that seeks a way to freedom in the synthesis of thought.
Another recurring theme in the works are hair, declined as an offshoot of thoughts, with their intricate involutions and graceful flashes, filling the space with a fluid, black, compact and unfathomable mass.
If you fell in love with one of these Witches and you would like her to be yours ...
Write me at: a.ardoq@gmail.com
Write me at: a.ardoq@gmail.com
thanks for watching
Thanks for Watching